Friday, February 23, 2007


Sampradaya lessons for kids for GRADE 2
(written in Tamil by Desika Bhakta Ratnam, U. Ve. Seva Srinivasa
Raghava chariar Swami under his "Jayamangala Paada Thittam" and
translated in English by Sri M.K.Srinivasan Swami of Vedanta Desika
Research Center)
The Sanskrit word "Stotram" is derived from the root "stu" which
means "to praise, extol, laud, eulogize, glorify, celebrate, commend,
worship" etc.

We praise people with virtue, with good behavior, with kind heart,
with high intelligence and other such qualities. Those who are
praised become well disposed to those who praise and start feeling
kindly towards them. A bond is thus created between the one who is
praised and the one who praises.

Commending a person for qualities he does not have or exaggerating
his traits, wrongly interpreting them or putting gloss over them do
not come under the term "praise'. We do it selfishly to gain our own
ends. Such an expression is called "flattery". It is contrary to
truth and hence unacceptable morally.

On the other hand, when we praise a deserving person, we should not
understate his qualities. We should use proper expressions, be aware
of what we are doing.

So, a little care is essential in determining whom we praise, whether
he is capable, whether he deserves such praise, whether he is below us
or above us, how to praise, when to praise ?
are all questions which arise in our minds.

Praising the Lord, the Supreme Being is beyond question the highest
of praises. By worshipping or praising Him, we worship the whole
world. We achieve several things, sometimes apparently impossible
results, by praising or singing of Him. There is no question as to
when He should be praised. All times are good times to eulogize Him.
The purer we are, the better will be our praise, the faster and more
complete will be the results. Prayer uttered in sanctified places
like temples are stated to yield hundred fold results.

There are several hymns or songs praising the Lord. Right from Gods,
Divine beings, Angels, Alwars, Preceptors, Sages to ordinary
devotees, there are countless examples of how they have been
benefited by eulogizing the Supreme One.

Our Sages, Preceptors and Alwars have thus shown us the way to sing
hymns in His praise. These utterances are called "Stotras" which
contain not only expressions of praise but also essential truths
about the nature of God, the Soul, the world and all other realities
which need to be known by everyone.

In the Vishnu Sahasranamam (73) Sri Bhishma describes Him variously
as:"Stavyah, Sthava-priyah, Stotram, Sthothah, Stothaa" meaning thereby,
He is worthy of praise,
He relishes praise,
He is the praise Himself,
He who is praised,
He praises those who praise Him".
What more arguments do we need to praise Him?

Vedas are also songs of praise indeed! The songs composed by Acharyas
contain the root of the Mantras (See Lesson 6). Whereas for chanting
Mantras, some discipline is necessary and only some people can chant
them, in the case of Stotras, no such restriction is prescribed.
Anyone can sing or repeat the Stotras and derive the same benefit as
by chanting Mantras. Does this not show the compassion of our
preceptors towards common people like us who are unable to undergo
the disciplines of uttering the Mantras?

Swami Desika has rendered several Stotras in praise of the Lord,
Goddess Lakshmi and others (See Lesson 15) which are exemplary,
suited to all times, which can be recited at all places, by all of us
and which contain all knowable truths and essence of devotion and
surrender, the hall marks of VisishTa Advaita faith, besides being
melodious, poetic, dignified and pleasing to all. As mentioned
earlier, there is no fear of wrong pronunciation, wrong emphasis,
right of recital etc., in his hymns of praise. It is now for us to
start reading and memorizing his Stotras as a first step towards
leading better lives and assuring ourselves of a place in Heaven.
1. What are Stotras?
2. How do Stotras benefit us?
3. Who should be praised?
4. Who should praise?
5. Are there any limitations in reciting Stotras?
6. What words do not count as praises?
7. How do Stotras differ from Mantras?
8. What do Swami Desika's Stotras contain and how will they benefit

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