Friday, February 23, 2007


Learn our Sampradayam the easy way
(Course for Kids)
Grade 1 for Beginners
(Based on the originals in Tamil ?sampradAya pADa thiTTam?
by Sri Seva Swamigal)
Lesson 19: NAMA Sankeerthanam (Chanting of the Lord?s names)
(Anbil Ramaswamy)
The Lord has innumerable auspicious names. They have the power to obliterate our sins. We should recite them in order to cleanse ourselves of sins and for securing several other benefits.

These names are formed with some reason or other based on His auspicious qualities, stories of His exploits and His greatness as revealed by Maharishis. They derived immense benefits and beckoned us to share the same.

What cannot be obtained by great sacrifices can be easily secured by reciting the Lord?s names. The cowherd lasses while selling yogurt are said to have forgotten to mention Yogurt but instead were calling ?GOvinda?, ?MAdhava? etc. Such was their involvement in Lord?s names. Singing the strings of names of the Lord is called ?Samkeerthanam?.

In this Kaliyuga, when we have no recourse to other means of salvation, our last refuge is this ?Nama Sankeerthanam?. We can just recite the names as such or incorporate them in songs and set them to music; another way is to recite them during the observance of religious rituals.

The following names are recited during ?Aachamanam? (ceremonial sipping of water), a part of daily religious observance. Achyutha, Anantha, GOvinda,, KEsava, NArAyaNa, MAdhava, GOvinda, Vishnu, Madhusudhana,
Trivikrama, VAmana, Sreedhara, Hrisheekesa, PadmanAbha and DAmodhara. There is no rite or ritual that does not involve the recitation of these names. Without doubt, ?Nama sankeerthanam? is very powerful and can be recited by anyone, anywhere and at any time.

Lord Narayana is the ONLY ONE reputed to have 1000 names also called ?SahasranAmam?. They are precious gems arising out of the great ocean of ?MahAbhAratha?. But there is an important restriction that womenfolk are not required to recite and what benefit would accrue by reciting will accrue to them by merely hearing a male reciting it! (This is not to be taken as ladies ?not being allowed?).

There is nothing in the world that cannot be accomplished by reciting ?Vishnu SahasranAmam?. This is not a statement of theory but one of practical experience. We can just recite them, or do Japam (repetitive recitation) or string the names together (NAmAvaLi) or do Archana.

For doing Japam, however, there are some procedures. Those who have not had their Upanayanam cannot opt for the Japam mode. Only some are permitted to prefix ?OM? to the names; others may substitute ?AM? for this.

It is very important to know the benefits accruing from the ?PArAyaNam? of Vishnu SahasranAmam. Whether one reads it or hears it recited, will never get anything inauspicious. The Brahmin will acquire great knowledge; The Kshatriya will achieve victory in battle; The Vaisya will become wealthy and prosperous; The fourth class will get all worldly benefits.

Those who wish Dharma, Artha or other objectives like progeny will get whatever they desire. Those who wake up early in the morning and recite with pure mind and body will achieve great fame; become a leader in society, get undiminishing prosperity and celebrated by all; will have no fears; will develop Veerayam (Vigour) and Tejas (Brilliance) and excellent character. Those who suffer from ailment will be cured; those indebted will be relieved of their debts; those who have reason to fear can go fearless; those in danger will come out unscathed.

For Bhaktas of VAsudEva, nothing inauspicious can ever happen; the miseries attaching to old age; death or disease will not come their way. Those who recite these with absolute faith will be granted happiness, patience, wealth, good thoughts, and reputation. Anger, Jealousy, miserliness, evil thoughts etc will never come to the Bhaktas of ?PurushOttama?- the Supreme Lord.

If even a single name could wipe off all sins, it is needless to say that this can happen to one reciting all the 1000 names. Siva advised PArvati, his wife that the one name of ?RAMA? is equal to all the 1000 names. Kulasekara AzhwAr said ?JihvE keerthaya Kesavam? meaning ?Always utter the names of Kesava?. AzhwAr also said ?NAman sollil namO nAraNamE? which means ? If you want to recite, recite the name of Narayana?. Thyagaraja asked, ?Who can fathom the sweetness of the names of the Lord??. ?HarE Rama, HarE Krishna? slogan reverberates all over the world today.

Therefore, by reciting daily the auspicious names of the Lord, let us be ensured of a peaceful life.
1. What does ?nAma Sankeerthanam? mean?
2. What are the differences between Japam, PArAyaNam, and Archana?
3. How have the great ones described the glories of nAma?
4. Why is it considered that ?nAma sankeerthanam is the best in kaliyuga?
To Conclude Grade I Lessons
Lesson 20: Swami Desikan

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