Friday, February 23, 2007


Learn our Sampradayam the easy way

(Course for Kids)

Grade 1 for Beginners

(Based on the originals in Tamil by Sri Seva Swamigal)

Lesson 17: Education
(Anbil Ramaswamy)

Do you know the difference between a "literate person" and
an "educated person"? While the former can only recognize letters of
the alphabet while reading or writing, the latter can understand the
purport of what is read or written. It is education that brings out
the innate cognitive abilities of an individual. The word "education"
is derived from the root "to educe" which means to draw out the
hidden capacities of persons- in short, to make the latent talents

Education can be of different kinds. As the world comprises of
different people, different tastes, different occupations, education
also takes several forms to suit the needs of each. Our forefathers
have concluded that only the education relating to the upliftment of
spiritual life (Aanmeekam) is the best. These are also known as "Atma
Vidya" and "Brahma Vidya". Learning SAstras belongs to this category.

They have also identified 64 arts that are useful to life in this
world. "Siksha", "VyAkaraNam", "Chandas" and "Niruktam" relate to the
use of words. "JyOtisham" is related to "divining" and
astronomy. "Kalpam" relates to practice also known as "anushTAna
Vidya". There are several other Vidyas like "anveekshakee" also known
as "NyAya SAstras"- the branch of laws relating to rectitude in
private and public life.

Swami Desika says that except "Atma Vidya" all the rest is
burdensome. (SumaiyAna kalvikaL).

Brahma Vidya comprises of 32 categories, which are described in
detail in the "Upanishads", all dealing with the leading of the soul
to liberation. All other education lead only to eternal bondage to
earthly influences. Vedantins (adherents to Vedas) adhere to Brahma
Vidya and reject others.

Education for the purpose of eking out existence and livelihood can
never be permanent and will be ever changing in content. The only
true. Eternal education, therefore, is that which helps one to
understand the means to salvation.



What is the difference between a literate and an educated person?
What is the purpose of Education?
How many arts have our forefathers identified?
What is the greatness of "Atma Vidya"?
What is the nature of education in your country?

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