Friday, February 23, 2007


"LEARN OUR TRADITION THE EASY WAY"- Sampradaya lessons for kids
for GRADE 2 LESSON 6: MANTRAS" (Incantations) written in Tamil by
Desika Bhakta Ratnam, U. Ve. Seva Srinivasa Raghavachariar Swami
under his "Jayamangala Paada Thittam" (Translated in English by Sri
M.K.Srinivasan Swami of Vedanta Desika Research Center)
That which protects the thinker or chanter is called Mantra.
(mamanaath thraayate iti mantrah) Whoever meditates upon a Mantra
(Incantation or chant) will be elevated depending upon the nature of
the Mantra. They instill a sense of confidence that an unseen force
will help us in our efforts. They give rise to soul-force, spiritual
strength which will help us achieve what we cannot achieve through
ordinary worldly means.

Mantras are of different kinds. Some are peaceful (Shanta), other are
fierce (ugra). Some are directed against others, inflicting pain,
creating confusion in other's minds, making them dumb, causing
accidents to happen to them, contriving them to be bedridden with
chronic ill health etc are some. Such incantations are called "base"
vile, low, mean also called "Tamasa mantras".

Mantras chanted for fulfillment of desires such as begetting
children, acquiring wealth, appeasing planets etc are
called "Passionate" or "Rajasa Mantras". Mostly, we indulge in these
activities in our daily lives.

The best mantras, which suit our nature, our tradition as
Srivaishnavas, which do not harm others, which do not yield to
temptations, which bring immense benefits to ourselves as well as
others are called "peaceful" or "sattvic mantras". They include
Ashtaakshara, Dvayam, Charamasloka, Shadaakshara, Dvaadasaakshara
etc. They are best learned through Acharyas and should be chanted
daily. Usually, they are imparted during the time of Samsrauyana,
endowing us with insignia of a Vaishnava.

It should also be known that fierce, low and passionate mantras
require great careful preparation and observance of vows; any lapse
therefrom will badly affect the persons who chants or initiates them.

"Gaayatri Mantra" in honor of the Savitru Devata is a very important
mantra which is taught at the time of thread ceremony of an
individual and is the bedrock of all other mantras. Without a
knowledge of this mantra, no one can do religious rites, just like
without surface say, a wall, we cannot paint pictures. This mantra,
therefore, forms part of Sandhyavandana which is to be performed
thrice a day at any cost.

There are people who are initiated in several mantras by their
preceptors or family priests or scholars at various times of their
lives, all with good intentions. But, they fail to protect them by
irregularly daily chanting them. By doing so, they lose whatever
power they wished to attain and also bring discredit to their
preceptors. It is like obtaining good seeds for cultivation and
spraying them on barren lands.

For religious rites, several mantras are to be chanted but all of
them are not needed all the time. We must, therefore, concentrate on
certain essential positive mantras and stick to them.

The Alwars have all described the Supreme Lord as "embodiment of
Mantra". Reference may be made to Tirunedumthaandakam of Thirumangai
Alwar, Sri Poigai Alwar, to quote only a few. They uniformly aver
that the Lord can be pleased by chanting mantras correctly and

Manu declares that chanting mantras is necessary for menfolk. But,
our preceptors have clarified that Vaishnava mantras (peaceful
variety) can be chanted with slight change in pronunciation of
the "Pranava". This can be learned through one's preceptors.

In fine, let us chant Mantras as part of our efforts to elevate
ourselves and reach Godhead rather than acquiring power and pelf
through them.

1. What does the word "Mantra" mean?
2. Describe what is meant by Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic Mantras?
3. What is the importance of Gayatri Mantra?
4. Give examples of what one can achieve by chanting Mantras?
5. What are the Mantras specially suited for Vaishnavas?
6. Can one learn many Mantras?
7. Write your experiences in chanting any particular mantra of your
choice and how it has benefited you?

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