Thursday, February 22, 2007


(written in Tamil by Desika Bhakta Ratnam, U. Ve. Seva Srinivasa Raghava chariar Swami under his "Jayamangala Paada Thittam" and translated in English by Sri M.K.Srinivasan Swami of Vedanta Desika Research Center)
In our lives, there are three aspects, functions. If only these three are harmonious, blend with one another can we attain success, greatness, prosperity. All our guidelines, rules and laws have been framed to ensure this harmony.

These three are thought, word and deed. If all these three are in unison, we achieve greatness. What we think, we should say. What we say, we should show in action. Otherwise, we will be termed hypocrites and nobody will believe us. May be, initially, some people will respect us but later on they too will drop out. This harmony should be attempted and achieved whatever religion we belong to, whatever be our stage or status in life, whatever be our age. Alwars have extolled the oneness among these three. Swami Desika calls it ?identity of thought, word and deed? (karaNa traya Saarupyam). The full verse where this term occurs along with the translation is given below:
UpayuktEshu vaisadhyam trivarga nirapEkshathaa /
KaraNa traya saarupyam iti soukhya rasaayanam //

?A clear knowledge of what is useful, indifference to the three goals viz. Dharma, Artha and Kaama and oneness of thought, word and deed constitute the elixir of happiness?

There is another verse also which emphasizes this point:
ManasyEkam vachasyEkam karmaNyEkam mahaathmanaam /
Manas anyath vachas anyath Karma anyath Duraathmanaam //

?He is a great soul whose mind, word and action are one; He is an evil person whose mind, word and action contradict one another?

It should not be construed that what has been stated earlier applies only to worldly actions. They apply equally to spiritual matters relating to the soul as well. We should feel in our heart of hearts and think also that Sriman Narayana is the Supreme Being, the ultimate goal. We should not hesitate to declare this in clear and unambiguous terms on all occasions. We should not compromise our stand depending on time and circumstances or change it to suit the susceptibilities of the listener. Lastly, all our actions should be dedicated to Him and Him alone. Whether visiting temples or performing rituals or reciting verses, all our actions should center on the exclusive supremacy of Lord Sriman Narayana.

Doubts may arise in our minds whether this kind of triple harmony is practically possible though theoretically desirable. The answer is ?Yes?, a firm ?yes?. This attitude can be cultivated through assiduous practice and success will be ours one day, if we keep our determination. Most of us achieve harmony between the first two, thought and word but when it comes to the third viz. action, we falter. This can be achieved by constantly reminding ourselves that the entire universe, animate and inanimate belongs to Him. He is the Indweller of all beings and hence all actions also rightfully belong and should be dedicated to Him.

Finally, an achiever of this rare type of harmony is honored at all times, in all lands and by all sections of society, be they scientists, law makers, reformists or scholars.
1. What is the meaning of ?Triple harmony??
2. What are the three items involved?
3. How does disharmony among these three affect people?
4. How does Swami Desika explain the harmony aspect?
5. By harmony, what can people achieve?
6. Mention how you will go about achieving the harmony yourself?

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