Friday, February 23, 2007


Learn our Sampradayam the easy way?
Grade I- Lesson 12: Rites and Rituals (SamskArams)
(Based on the original in Tamil ?sampradAya pADa thiTTam? by Sri Seva Swamigal, Founder, maNi manDapam and Editor, Sri Desika Seva. Translation by Anbil Ramaswamy.
All over the world people do observe some ritual or other. All religions prescribe rituals. In fact, we may even say that if there were no rituals, there would not be any religion at all! In our Sampradayam, the rituals are rites prescribed in the Vedas. Performing these rituals impart a special kind of elation (thani thanmai); those who do not, remain without this special feeling or status. The works dealing with rituals are called ?Dharma Sastras?.

Rituals have to be performed at the appropriate times. Brahmins have a lot more of rituals to observe than the others. Gauthama muni (not Siddharta Gautama Budda) enumerates as many as 40 such rituals. In the modern times, it is very difficult to find people observing all the 40 rituals. But, some of these are really very important and cannot be given up. These are invariably observed in all families:
1. jAthakaraNam: rites relating to birth of a baby
2. nAmakaraNam: rites relating to the naming of the child
3. AnnaprAsanam: rites relating to the feeding of the child with cooked rice for the first time
4. Sowlam: rites relating to the first tonsure of the child
5. Upanayanam: rites relating to the Investiture of sacred thread to boys
6. VivAham: Wedding.
Besides the above, ?Pumsavanam?- invocation for being blessed with a male progeny and ?SeemanthOnnayanam? ? the parting of the hair on the forehead of a pregnant woman expecting baby are also important. But, all SamskAras have to observed strictly as laid down in the Sastras.

A boy is said to become a Brahmin and eligible to perform Vedic rites only on being invested with the sacred thread. In fact, this rite is deemed to confer on him a second birth. One who has undergone this ritual is called ?dvija?- meaning ?twice-born?. Until Upanayanam, one is not permitted to learn Vedas or chant mantras (Japam). There are not much of restrictions on his food habits. But, after Upanayanam, the Dvija is enjoined to observe very scrupulously the dietary regimen appropriate to his station in life as a ?BrhamchAri?- (Celibate).

For Brahmins, Upanayanam has to be done at 8 years of age and at any rate not later than 16 years of age. If done after 16 years, at best it can give a vicarious satisfaction of having gone through the ritual and perhaps a feeling of acquiring a fitness to get into wedlock. This is because the Upanayanam after 16 years of age is deemed invalid. It is act of self-deception to blame the circumstances and modern day constraints for skipping this basic ritual.

A marriage within the same GOtra is also prohibited. Marriage is a sacred institution not to be trifled with. It has to be performed with utmost adherence to Dharma Sastras.

Among Srivaishnavas, there is a special ritual called ?Pancha SamskAram? or the ?5 rites? for being initiated into the fold of Srivaishnavam. This in turn bestows a right and duty to perform ?ThruvArAdhanam? to Perumal. This is very important. Everyone should approach an AchArya within the family or relating to the family and have him administer this. Due to lack of ?AchAram? and ?AnushTAnam?, it is very rare to find qualified elders in the family fit to administer this. Hence, the need to seek a qualified AchArya elsewhere. An AchArya need not necessarily be a SannyAsi (ascetic). Some AchAryas have been householders (Grihastas).
This Pancha samskAram consists of the following, which are to be administered by the AchArya with appropriate mantras.
1. TApam: Ceremonial branding with hot stamps on the shoulders the sign of the Sangu (Conch) and Chakra (disc) of the Lord.
2. PunDram: Ceremonial placing the insignia of Srivaishnavam caste marks on 12 different spots on the body.
3. DAsyam: Ceremonial naming indicative of the servitude of the subject to the Lord.
4. Mantram: Ceremonial initiation into the esoteric mantras like the 8 lettered AshTAksharam, 6 lettered ShadAksharam, 12 lettered DwAdasAksharam, dual sentences of Dvayam and the CharamaslOkam (the final verse of Srimad Bhagavad Gita.
5. YAgam: Instruction on the procedural details of performing TiruvArAdhanam.
1. What is meant by the word ?SamskAram??
2. Mention two of the important SamskArams?
3. How many SamskArams Gauthama has enumerated?
4. What are ?Vaishnava SamskArams??
5. What is the purpose of ?Pancha SamskAram??
6. Who can administer ?Pancha SamskAram??
7. Why do we call a Brahmin a ?Dvija? or ?twice-born??

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