Friday, February 23, 2007


Learn our Sampradayam the easy way" -
(Course for kids & beginners)
7 out of 20 lessons of Grade I have so far appeared in "SaraNAgathi Journal and archived at - To check with

We continue with Lesson # 8

Learn our Sampradayam the easy way
(Course for Kids) Grade 1 for Beginners
Lesson 8: Dharma (That which sustains)
(translated from the original in Tamil by Sri Seva Swami)
(Anbil Ramaswamy)
The word "Dharma" means "That which sustains". Because it is the basis of honor and harmony, which sustain all life in this world, it is called "Dharma". Without honor and harmony that stem from principled conduct, there can be no peace in the world. It is Dharma that ensures the well being of one's own self and at the same time of those of others with whom one is cast.

Dharma is considered the foremost among the four "Purusharthas" (Objectives of life). The practices governing duty, respectability, obedience to law are all founded on scientific principles as much as on Vedanta philosophy. These were handed down to us by our foresighted forefathers as the correct way of life in tune with this Dharma.
Dharma should blossom forth in action. All virtuous deeds are called Dharma.
Our forebears assure us that these good deeds have the innate capacity to protect our spiritual well being and promote harmony. Dharmic deeds result in "Punya" (Spiritual merit)."Punya" alone can elevate one's soul. People used to bless the King who ruled with Dharma (Righteousness).

In the olden days, the great Maharishis (Sages) spelled out for our benefit what Dharma meant. They classified Dharma into two categories - "SAmAnya Dharma" also called "SanaAtana Dharma" (General / Eternal Dharma) and Special Dharma called "Varnaasrama Dharma" based on Caste and stage of life of the individual. "SAmAnya Dharma" is common to all like Truth, Ahimsa etc. These include such acts as building temples, digging wells and tanks, laying roads, erecting stone platforms on roadsides to rest head loads (Sumaithaankis), performing Yaagas and Yagnas, raising groves, gardens and shade yielding trees, providing water supply in kiosks (Thanneer Pandals) to the weary wayfarers,
giving succor to the needy and rendering community or social service etc.

Special Dharmas differ for those belonging to different Varnas and Asramas. Dharma also varies according to the constraints of Space- divide and Time-divide. Dharma differs as between the husband and wife, the parents and their children, the brother and the sister, the preceptor and disciple, the ruler and the ruled and in short, every relation that could be conceived as between different individuals.

In any case, those who strictly follow the individual Dharmas incumbent on them are called "Dhaarmikaas" Lord Rama and Lord Krishna were recognized as the very personification of Dharma. Those who act contrary to these Dharmas (laid down for us humans) are deemed to be bestial.

When the disciple leaves the Gurukula (Preceptor's home) after completing his studies, the preceptor used to instruct him some basic codes of conduct.
Some of them are -
· "Satyam Vadha" (Always tell the truth)
· Dharmam Chara" (Act that which is right according to your Dharmas),
· Never swerve from what you have learned
· Go, get married and beget virtuous children by following the Grihstaasrama Dharmas
· Never live off truth and righteousness, even for the sake of dirty lucre
· Studying and teaching the Vedas and other scriptures are your duties
· Take great care about performing rites towards God (Deva Kaaryam) like Nitya and Naimittika Karmas (Obligatory and occasional duties) and towards forefathers (Pitru Kaaryam)
· Respect mother as God (Matru Devo Bhava)
· Respect father as God (Pitru Devo Bhava)
· Respect your preceptor as God (Aachaarya Devo Bhava)
· Respect your guest as God (Athithi Devo Bhava)
· You should follow the good conduct advised to us by our elders
· You should take care not to be misled by the practices (of others) that are repugnant to Dharma, however attractive they may appear
· When you give, give wholeheartedly to those who deserve, and according to your capacity
· When in doubt, consult our elders who are well versed, who are selfless, who are devoid of avarice and who have "Vairaghyam" (detachment from worldly attractions)
· These are not empty platitudes
· Take them as commands as to how you should conduct yourself in day to day life
· This is because "Dharma" is the only power that stands by you throughout your life"
Though we have not gone through Gurukula Vaasam to get the benefit of these advises directly from our Gurus, they are, nevertheless, equally applicable to us and we can make our lives meaningful by following these tenets.
1. What is the meaning of the word "Dharma"?
2. Describe the various categories of Dharma?
3. Detail a few of the advises an Acharya imparts to his Sishya at the
conclusion of studies?
4. Mention a few "SAmAnya Dharmas"?

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