Thursday, February 22, 2007


(written in Tamil by Desika Bhakta Ratnam, U. Ve. Seva Srinivasa Raghava chariar Swami under his "Jayamangala Paada Thittam" and translated in English by Sri M.K.Srinivasan Swami of Vedanta Desika Research Center)
Vedas constitute the main base of our tradition and culture. Our philosophy is rooted in the Vedas and our religion draws its tenets from the Vedas. They were not written by anyone. They are, therefore, free from the defects usually found in man-made compositions. Vedas are divinely inspired. The Supreme Lord, as Hayagriva taught them to Lord Brahma, who embarked on his job of creating the worlds according to the directions of the Vedic guidelines. Brahma says: ?Vedas are my wealth. Vedas are my very eyes, indeed?

Vedas are eternal. They do not disappear with time. They are transmitted by word of mouth by Acharya to Sishya. One cannot, rather should not, learn the Vedas from the books by committing them to memory. Not only the letters and the words but also the pronunciation, particularly the long and short intonations are very important and can be learnt with accuracy only by hearing them. Wrong pronunciations will lead to disastrous results. Our country is the only country in the world where word of mouth teaching is kept up for millennia.

Every person who is a Brahmin by birth should learn the Vedas, if not in full, at least some portions thereof. Vedic recitation will add to his glory and luster. Being divine,they will impart to him inner strength which is impossible to secure otherwise. Peace and prosperity will prevail where there are Brahmins who chant and are well versed in Vedas. Honoring them is equivalent to honoring the Gods. Vedas sustain Brahminhood which in turn sustains the Vedas.

In days of yore, kings used to support Brahmins so that the latter can devote their time exclusively to Vedic chanting and transmission. Emperor Bhoja was well known for his erudition and regard shown to Brahmins. He was a great poet too. Once, when asked whom he would respect the most, he replied, ? The world will prosper only when Dharma or righteousness prevails. What Brahma is - can be known only through Vedas and, Vedas are chanted and protected by Brahmins. So, my foremost regard and respect goes to Brahmins who preserve the Vedas?

Rites and Rituals, Sacrifices and Ceremonies derive their sanctity and strength from the Vedas. Even if the ritualistic parts cannot be performed, chanting the Vedic hymns is considered adequate to yield the results of the sacrifices in extreme cases.

Vedas were grouped under 4 headings. Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Saama Veda and Atharva Veda by Sage Vyasa who is part incarnation of the Supreme Lord. Each person will have one of the Vedic Saakhaa denoting his genealogy like ?Yajus Sakaadhyaayi (i.e) one who follows the Yajur Veda etc.
1. How many Vedas are there?
2. Why should we learn the Vedas?
3. Mention the greatness of the Vedas?
4. What did Brahma say about the Vedas?
5. Why should we respect the Vedic scholars?
6. What was Bhoja?s reason for respecting Brahmins?
7. State Vyasa?s contribution to Vedas?
8. Why should we learn Vedas only by word of mouth?

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