Friday, February 23, 2007


LEARN OUR TRADITION THE EASY WAY"- Sampradaya lessons for kids
for Grade 2 - Lesson 3 "Tradition"" written in Tamil by Desika Bhakta
Ratnam, U. Ve. Seva Srinivasa Raghavachariar Swami under
his "Jayamangala Paada Thittam" and translated by Sri M.K.Srinivasan
Swami of Vedanta Desika Research Center, Chennai.
What is "Tradition"? Many people are ignorant of the real meaning of
this word. Some say it is custom or practice; others say it is
a "ritual". The Sanskrit word "Sampradayam" can be translated
as "that which has been well and truly handed over". It covers a wide
ground which includes "rituals" as also customs, practices,
utterances and even thoughts which have been carefully preserved and
handed over by preceptors to disciples over generations. Whenever an
Acharya communicates to his Sishya, he would say with great
respect "I learnt this from my Acharya. You should also preserve it
and transmit to your disciples with the same esteem and regard". Once
again, let us make it clear that "Sampradayam" or tradition covers
philosophy, religion, teaching and actions.

Our tradition is the Srivaishnava tradition. But, interpretations of
the tradition may differ depending on the practioners' views, which
have come down due to strict following of one's preceptor's words.
While we should follow what our preceptors have stated, we may
understand the differing views and perceptions of others without
dislike or hatred or condemnation.

Since Sampradayam or tradition owes its origin to Vedic times, it is
called "Satsampradayam" or Good tradition (Sath= Good). Swami Desika
has authored a work called "Sampradaya Parisuddhi" or "the purity of
tradition" from which we give some utterances that clearly spell out
certain basic facts for us to follow:
1. The exact meaning of Spiritual literature should be
determined only through the traditional teachings, which have come
through the hierarchy of preceptors.
2. Since the knowledge of the scriptures by oneself is difficult
and is likely to cause confusion, one should learn about the
supremacy of Lord Hari from one's preceptor and desist from other
thoughts and actions, which are not conducive to this knowledge.
3. Without adoption and practice of traditional means of
learning, it will be impossible to get the correct interpretations of
the Sastras. Even if it were easy, it will not be useful.
4. In cases which are not perceived by the senses, any tradition
which is not based on the scriptures and which is contrary to the
commonly accepted Sastras should not be relied upon as they are
unreliable, confusing and have no validity at all.
5. Hence, only that tradition should be adopted which the
preceptors from time immemorial have confirmed as rooted in the
Sastras and do not contradict them. That is the only authoritative
By these clarion utterances, Swami Desika has reinforced the
correctness and soundness of our tradition. Having inherited such a
unique tradition, should we lose it by not learning and following it?
1. Define "Sampradaya" and "Satsampradaya" in your own words?
2. Explain briefly why we should follow tradition?
3. How is tradition passed on?
4. What are the risks in not following traditional teachings?
5. To which tradition do we belong?
6. When does a tradition become unreliable?

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