Friday, February 23, 2007


"LEARN OUR TRADITION THE EASY WAY"- Sampradaya lessons for kids for GRADE 2 LESSON 7: ?The Sacred Mark of protection? written in Tamil by Desika Bhakta Ratnam, U. Ve. Seva Srinivasa Raghavachariar Swami under his "Jayamangala Paada Thittam" (Translated in English by Sri M.K.Srinivasan Swami of Vedanta Desika Research Center)
The Sacred white mark worn on the forehead of every Vaishnava is indeed a protection for him. The white clay found in certain sacred places is purified and either made into a solid (cubed or spherical) shapes and kept in houses for daily use. Such a mark is considered auspicious.

Our body needs purification at different spots. Our ancient preceptors have identified 12 locations to wear the sacred mark. This will be explained later in our lesson.

First, about the forehead which is the main place. Two straight lines are drawn linked together from the base of the nose where the forehead starts, and between the eyebrows, upwards with sufficient space (at least one inch apart) in the center of the two almost parallel lines is drawn another line with sacred yellow or red powder called Sri-choornam. The white lines represent Lord Narayana and the yellow/red line Goddess Lakshmi. Only when both the white and yellow/red lines are drawn is the sacred mark complete. White lines without the yellow / red marks are worn only on death in the family when the wearer is in pollution.

In Sanskrit these markings are called ?Urdvapundram? (upward facing). Since the Lord is the Indweller in our bodies, we have to worship Him through knowledge and devotion internally and the sacred mark externally.

The mark is bestowed on an individual by our preceptor during the performance of ?Samaasrayana?, after the thread ceremony. Without the sacred mark, no religious rites can and should be performed. The practice of wearing sacred marks dates back to Vedic times and has been mentioned in Dharma Sastras, Puranas, and Divya Prabandhams. They are not of recent origin as some would like us to believe.

A face without the sacred mark is compared to a cremation ground! But, recently for some decades there is a growing tendency where young and even of men from orthodox families have stopped wearing the sacred marks on the body as it is not modern, as they become laughuing stock of Society, as it distracts attention in the workspot, as drawing them takes time and lastly as they do not understand the significance of wearing the marks. This is wrong. Those who believe in the upliftment of their souls should not hesitate to wear the sacred marks. Such an action will not affect others at all. But, not wearing them will definitely affect us.

Sensing the reluctance of people in modern times, our ancients have insisted on the marks at least on the forehead and this should not be discarded at all. Let the modern youth wear at least the mark on the forehead and chant the names of Lord Vishnu while touching the remaining eleven places.

Some say the mark represents the Lord?s feet on our forehead. We prefer to say that the mark resembles the Lord?s foot. The saying is ?Hari Paada sama akritim? i.e like the Lord?s foot.

The names of the Lord associated with each part of the body are given below. Swami Desika has indicated them in his treatise ?Vaishnava Dinasari? or ?the daily chores of a Vaishnava?; the 12 names of Goddess Lakshmi are also indicated:

Part of the body Name of the Lord Name of the Goddess
Forehead Kesava Sri
Middle of belly above navel Narayana Amrutodbhava
Mid chest Madhava Kamala
Front of neck Govinda Chandrasodari
Right side of belly Vishnu Vishnupatni
Right upper arm Madhusudhana Vaishnavi
Right neck Trivikrama Varaaroha
Left side of belly Vaamana Harivallabha
Left upper arm Sreedhara Saarngini
Left neck Hrishikesa Deva Devika
Lower back Padmanaabha Sura Sundari
Back of neck Damodara Mahaalakshmi
Upper part of the head Vaasudeva Sarvabheeshtaphlaprada

The most important names are Kesava and Damodara, who should be remembered while putting sacred marks on the forehead and back of neck, which are essential.
1. How many sacred marks are to be placed on the body?
2. In what shape should the mark be?
3. Which is or are the most important spots in the body that should bear the marks?
4. What are the names of the Goddess, which are associated with these marks?
5. Where should the thirteenth mark be?
6. Explain the significance of the sacred mark?

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