Friday, February 23, 2007


Sampradaya lessons for kids for GRADE 2 ? LESSON 5: "THE SUPREME GOD"
written in Tamil by Desika Bhakta Ratnam, U. Ve. Seva Srinivasa
Raghavachariar Swami under his "Jayamangala Paada Thittam"
(Translated in English by Sri M.K.Srinivasan Swami of Vedanta Desika
Research Center, Chennai)
(The contents of this lesson have been briefly touched upon in the
first series of lessons. Some elaboration is attempted here. More
will be found in subsequent lessons)

The words "Brahman", "Parabrahman"(Supreme being), "Paramapurusha"
(The Highest being) all indicate the Creator, Sustainer and destroyer
of this Universe, SRIMAN NARAYANA. He is the "Efficient Cause" and
the "Material Cause" of the Universe, the All-Pervading Soul and
Spirit, which is immanent in all animate beings and inanimate
objects. He is the essence from which all beings are created and into
which they are eventually absorbed. The Vedas declare that the
Universe is created out of the "will" of the Supreme Being. Let us be
clear about the fact that there is ONE and ONLY ONE Brahman and NOT

This Supreme Being has a form and attributes. This is corroborated by
several Vedic utterances, according to our preceptors. We can learn
about the Supreme Being only through the medium of Vedas,
particularly the Upanishads that constitute the end (philosophical)
portion of the Vedas. There are several Sections and Subsections of
the Vedas. Only through a study of these scriptural lore can we
satisfy our desire to know about the Supreme one (Brahma-Jignasa)

Sage Vyaasa codified and classified the Vedas. Besides, he composed
Brahma sutras, which are aphorisms on the Supreme Being. This
fundamental work is the basis for our awareness of the Supreme Lord.
One should carefully and meticulously study the Brahma sutras so as
to clearly comprehend the nature and form of Brahman without even a
shred of doubt. We should have a clear uncluttered mind and the
blessings of the preceptor besides a God given spiritual bent of mind
to grasp the truth. We should not indiscriminately burden our minds
with several unwanted information from several sources.

Swami Desika has shown us the correct path and we should tread only
that path to know the real truth. Let us follow him, as is our wont.
He has said, " I understand Narayana through the four Vedas". Given
below is a translation of an extract from "Pradhana Sathakam", a
minor Rahasya text that is a compendium of a hundred most important
aspects of our philosophy for easy reference.
14. Sriman Narayana is the highest and most important Reality (Sarva
15. He is called the highest in the worlds (Loka Pradhanam) because -
(i) Of His immensity of size (Brihatvam), His exalted nature
(Brahmatvam) and due to the possession of all auspicious qualities
(asankhyeya kalyana gunas). He is called Supreme entity (Para Brahman)
(ii) of His independence of any support, He is called (Para
(iii) Of His illuminating the luminaries themselves, He is the
Supreme luster (Param Jyotis)
(iv) Of His Indwelling of all souls, He is called the Supreme Soul
(Param Atma)
(v) Of His being worshipped by all Godly and divine beings, He is
called the Supreme Lord (Para Devata)
(vi) Of His being the most important goal, He is called the
Supreme Goal (Para Gathi)
(vii) Of the unlimited extent of His drawing the aspirants of
liberation unto Himself, He is called the Supreme limit (Paraa
(viii) Of Himself being the highest means of reaching Him, He is
called the Supreme Means (Paraayanam)
(ix) Of His granting all types of fruits, He is called the Supreme
penance (Param Tapas)
(x) Of His lending purity to the purificatory actions, He is
called the Supreme Purity or Purest among the Pure (Pavitraanaam
(xi) Of His lending auspiciousness to auspicious qualities
themselves, He is called the Supreme auspiciousness (Manglaanaam cha
(xii) By virtue of His being the undisputed natural and inherent
highest position among all qualities, actions, means and ends, He is
the Supreme Being of the Universe (Loka Pradhanam).
1. By what terms are Sriman Narayana denoted?
2. Whom should we meditate upon?
3. Does the Supreme Being have a form?
4. Through what means can we know about the Supreme entity?
5. To whom will the truth be revealed?
6. Hoe does the Lord satisfy those who want to know about
7. Why do we call Sriman Narayana the "Supreme Lord of the
8. Explain why He is called-
(i) Supreme Entity
(ii) Supreme Reality
(iii) Supreme Luster
(iv) Supreme Soul
(v) Supreme God
(vi) Supreme Goal
(vii) Supreme Limit
(viii) Supreme Means
(ix) Supreme Penance
(x) Supreme Purity
(xi) Supreme auspiciousness

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